Choosing your High Chair

As your little one grows closer and closer to that 6 month mark, you may find yourself asking "which high chair is the best fit for our family?" With so many options on the market, and many at a high cost, it can be a difficult decision to make.

No high chair is perfect for every child and his family, so it's important to make an informed decision. These are four features to consider, and my choice for best high chair in each category.

1. Positioning: Core stability is extremely important for safe feeding. A child's hips, knees, and feet should all be positioned at a 90 degree angle. When in a good position, your child will be able to focus their attention on what they are eating and how they are chewing and swallowing. To keep your child stable as they grow, you'll need to find a chair that is adjustable. The Stokke Trip Trap Chair is my #1 pick because of it's awesome support and it's ability to be easily adjusted.

2. Cleanliness: It's inevitable, when little ones eat, they're messy. And messiness is important for development of a child's sensory system and for expanding his diet. When choosing a chair, look for one that is easily wiped and doesn't have small cracks or crevices. My favorite easy to clean chair is the Phil & Teds Poppy Chair. It's cute, modern, clean and all parts can be removed and placed in the dishwasher.

3. Size/portability: If you live in a smaller home or apartment, or you like to keep your home looking as nice as possible, you may want to get a high chair that can be easily moved and stowed away when the company arrives. I like a lightweight chair that can be taken apart or folded down and placed in a closet. My favorite is the Fisher Price Space Saver. It's lightweight, comfortable, attaches to your own dining chairs and easily removable when the kids are done.

4. Price: High chairs can be very expensive. When you're looking to save your $$ and purchase a simple chair, the Ikea Antilop Chair is the way to go. It's modern, clean, lightweight and under 20$.

Be sure to do your research, try them out, and take some time to find the chair that best fits your needs. Always remember that comfort and stability are key to mealtime success!



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